Sunday, June 10, 2012

Introducing my new color picker! I brought it in as a tool for my customers, to choose colors for their projects. But I figured it would be a great tool for other freinds that are trying to choose a color, in RGB or CMYK or even the HEX colors.

Visit the page here --> Hautecards Color Picker

A big thank you to for providing this awesome widget!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Facebook Promoted Posts

Ok so I promised I was going to give you the results of my first Facebook "Post Promote" so you guys can see how it works..

INTRO: I decided to try the new Facebook promotion tool, mainly because I saw a lot of posts saying negative things about it, and while understand many people are looking out for their shops carefully, I thought I would have a good look at it by myself. I'd hate to turn a marketing tool down, just because other people think everything should be free.. and that I might be giving my back to further promotion of my brand. My fan page gets usually about 5-10 likes a week without me posting. But my posts are usually not commented unless some one is asking for a price or saying hello from another Facebook page or Etsy. My goal is to have more people interact with the page, sharing my pics with their friends and to get more visits. Honestly, I dont expect to bring sales from this method but more traffic... which in turn could convert but not necessarily.