Monday, August 22, 2011

Now Birthday Invitations too!

Finally, my little characters will be published as invitations! Super cute and fun, wit original party themes that can help you kick start your little one's birthday. You can see the invitation sets, right here ***

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Take notes in school with style...

It's really important to take notes when following a lesson on a textbook or really thick handouts.. :) Make it easy to mark your notes by using a post-it notepad like this one. Paste them on each page that you want to write tips about and leave a little lip hanging out from the edge of the page, so you can come back to it later.

That way you don't mark your books with high-lighters or writings that will damage them, and you will be able to sell them or lend them with ease.

Another tip: once you are done with the notes you can archive them for a future quiz if you re-post them on your 3 ring binder for that subject. Make sure you put the date on the right top corner to keep them in order :)